Tuesday, September 23, 2014

-A Hand Up-

Let not the body of the hand that reaches,
Sink beneath the waves that roll.
Nor let the monstrous storm of darkness,       
Subdue the light inside the soul.

Provide a way through the vicious turmoil.
Supply a light through darkness deep.
Offer hands when i am drowning.
Before my soul away doth sweep.

Dispel the darkness with luminous light!
Exposing rocks of jagged doubt.
Restore the song that once was joyous.
Then from this lighthouse hear me shout!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

|| A Difference ||

Let my life be a spark.
Bring some light to the dark.
Make a change. be a wave.
Find a person who needs saved. 

Feed a child.. Dry a tear.
Bring the lonely children near.
Share a smile. Share a buck.
Find the fallen.... Help them up.

Call a friend. Be a friend.
Offer life when you feel dead.
When pushed down. Rise above.
Conquer hate with arms of love.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

|| Direction ||

I turn my back to the common expectancies of the majority. I do not claim superiority, i simply seek true maturity. 

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

|| Sip Sip ||

Sip sip sip..... 
Ok take 5.
Alright, more coffee!
Sip sip... Sip sip sip. Ahhhhh
It's so yummy!
I like this stuff! 

Today will be beautiful <3 

--In the little spaces between each little moment, i think of you-- 

Monday, September 8, 2014

|| Morning Moments ||

Psalms 5:3 - My voice shalt thou hear in the morning, O LORD; in the morning will I direct [my prayer] unto thee, and will look up.
I yawn, pushing back the blankets as i sit up in bed. My warm bare-feet hit the cold hardwood floor and it sends a message to my brain.... Coffee! 
  As I sit there with a steaming hot mug of coffee in my hands i look out the window at the mist rising out of the meadow. This moment alone with God cannot be compared with anything. A moment to reflect. a moment to glean wisdom from the pages of His word. A moment to praise Him for his unfathomable love and mercy in my life. A moment to thank Him for the delicious coffee and sounds of birds waking up to a brand new day. And I can't help but think that the birds are praising Him too. -91- 

Sunday, September 7, 2014

|| Trust ||

"And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not." -Galations 6:9 

I just don't want to faint! :)  

Gods timing is perfect and good. I will wait for Him. 

|| These Flowers ||

I'd give these to you..
If you were here :)
If you were closer..
If you were near.

I'd watch you smile.
I'd hold your hand.
I'd stand there proud
To be your man.

I'd kiss your cheek.
And walk away.
I'll see you soon.
Another day.

So keep these flowers.
And wait for me.
I'll come right back.
Please wait, you'll see;) 


|| Little Guy ||

This little guy was hiding under a sidewalk from the blazing Mississippi heat. I wonder what he was thinking as i put my iphone up to his doorway and flashed a picture. He doesnt seem to be fazed at all, by the expresionless look on his face. I don't even know why i keep refering to him as a male. This could be a girl toad. But i have never looked at toads as something beautiful, more of a rugged look. Like a mountain man or something.


|| Coke ||

Live each moment in your life like it's the last. Therefore, sip a coke, smile at a stranger and give a dollar to a beggar. Show love to all those you meet! Like good 'ol Gandhi once said. "Be the change you wish to see in the world" :) 

|| LIGHT ||

Search for the light, until the light is all you know.